怎么实现CC1310 GFSK 1Mbps抓包
使用CC1310 最新协议栈WSN工程开发,通过修改smartrf_settting.c已经实现1Mbps通信。在50Kbps通信的时通过修改CC1111 Register Setting file(*.prs)已经实现50Kbps抓包,但现在1Mbps还未成功抓包。CC1111 user guide里面貌似最大速率为500kbs。这里想确定下CC1111是不能完美兼容CC1310抓包吧?TI 提供CC1310 抓包固件?另外再问下,CC1310 4Mbps通信TI在什么时间节点能够Release。
1Mbps通信已经正常,抓包就是通过类似Packet Sniffer 软件实现监听A和B通信内容。
- 1Mbps通信已经正常,抓包就是通过类似Packet Sniffer 软件实现监听A和B通信内容。
Hi Jay,
We don't have any dongle + software for packet sniffing on CC1310. The CC1111 dongle supports up to 500 kbps, for 1 Mbps we don't have a offering at the moment. One option could be to use Wireshark to display packets captured with a CC1310 + SmartRF06 but I don't know what would be required to do to get it up and running
好的,谢谢@BR.AZ,随时保持联系,如果TI Release了SmartRF06+CC1310的抓包固件,希望得到你的回复。
您好,请问下Packet Sniffer如何监听CC1310,我用的是TI的板子,为何我插到电脑,软件没一点反应?谢谢您了。
Hi, CC1310 can support the packet sniffer now. FYI. it can support easylink, TI15.4 stack and Thread.
When sniffing in the sub-1 GHz frequency bands, you need hardware that supports the operating frequencies. Some of the capturing devices may not support all frequencies or operating modes supported by the devices being sniffed.