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时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:



由于刚刚接触 一些问题描述不好 只是复位后就可以正常发送 2000包左右(有时多有时少)又会死机



多谢耐心回答 我的问题是加上FEC之后才出现的 数据包长度为45字节 不加FEC功能无此问题


1. Manchester encoding is not supported at the same time as using the FEC/Interleaver option or when using MSK and 4-FSK modulation.

2. FEC is only supported in fixed packet length mode, i.e. when PKTCTRL0.LENGTH_CONFIG=0.

3. The convolutional coder is a rate ½ code with a constraint length of m = 4. The coder codes one input bit and produces two output bits; hence, the effective data rate is halved. This means that in order to transmit at the same effective data rate when using FEC, it is necessary to use twice as high over-the-air data rate. This will require a higher receiver bandwidth, and thus reduce sensitivity. In other words the improved reception by using FEC and the degraded sensitivity from a higher receiver bandwidth will be counteracting factors.

4. Data received through radio channels will often experience burst errors due to interference and time-varying signal strengths. In order to increase the robustness to errors spanning multiple bits, interleaving is used when FEC is enabled. After de-interleaving, a continuous span of errors in the received stream will become single errors spread apart.

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