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CC2640 current larger than spec issue

时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

I found my CC2640 board TX current and RX current is much larger than datasheet, when 100 ms interval adV, the max current is reach 13mA( when power level set to 0dBm), and if I use smart RF studio 7 to set CC2640 continuously RX data, the current will reach 15mA, is that reasonable? Could you help to analyze why the current is so high?  

My design is CC2640F128RGZ, use external LDO and external 2M bytes Flash, uart is disabled, the average sleep current is about 2uA.


it is not making sense if everything if normal. 

suggest you:

1. check (or disconnect) all of the DIOs to see if the current still there. e.g. remove the sFlash as well....

2. couble check the schemactic or layout has low level mistakes. :-)

3. if there is big mismatch on the RF port? how about the RF performances?

4. if there is components are broken. 

When we use internal DC-DC solution:

10uH+10uF: current is about 7mA;

Once we use external LDO, the current will up to 14mA.

RF performance is similar whatever DC-DC or LDO solution.

1.8V power supply? 

it should be around

3.3V supply to BLE chips,  then LOD output 1.8V to VDDR. 

then making sense if you used global LDO mode.  

but, I don't understand why you want to disable DCDC if it is 3.3V power supply. 

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