cc1310能与cc1111 通讯吗?
这个是可以的. 注意一个问题, CC1310 B版本才支持433M.
cc1310 and cc1101 in RFStudio 7
Jose L.
I'm trying to communicate the cc1101EM and cc1310EM in RFStudio 7 but i can't do it.
cc1101 and cc1310 radios have been set up with the same datarate, modulation, desviation and other parameters but i cant communicate cc1101 and 1310.
However, i can see the radio waves in the continuous RX mode. Can anybody help me to rech communicate twice radio modules in SmartRF Studio?
Jose L.
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Not clear from your post if you have the same sync word for both devices. CC1101 uses 0xD391 D391. Set up CC1310 with the same sync word.
I setting up the cc1310 to 16bits Sync Word Length, and 0xD391 but not solve the problem. Attached configurations.
Change Sync1 = 0xD3; Sync2 = 0x91 (Sync word = D391) ON CC1310. It seems you are using un Reverse.
Hi PM, I changed the Sync word but the modules do not communicate. Have you got any configuration for Smart RF Studio working that you can share?
I didn't see any issues
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i changed "whitening" from "cc1101/cc2500 compatible" to "no whitening" and now can communicate cc1101 with cc1310.