首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI无线射频设计 > 技术支持说CC2538不宜与CC2530混用,请问具体原因是什么呢?


时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:


理论上是可以共用的。可以参考 http://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless_connectivity/f/158/p/334938/1169311






晶振不起振是什么情况下发生的?这个应该跟 Stack不相关。



你好 Susan Yang,我现在需要用cc2538做协调器,cc2530作为终端和路由,


原来我用的都是cc2530,协议栈用的是ZStack-CC2530-2.3.0-1.4.0协议栈,开发工具用的是IAR EW8051 V8.1,仿真器用的是SmartRF04EB仿真器驱动.rar。



协议栈的话,您可以根据您的具体应用环境进行选择  http://www.ti.com.cn/tool/cn/z-stack


我这边做的是火灾报警,我不知道是否属于Z-Stack Home 1.2.1 针对智能家居相关产品的开发。

这个协议栈可以通用2530和2538 芯片吗?



您好,yunayin shi ,我现在一个毕业设计是用CC2538做一个协调器,希望能跟您交流一下,能帮我一下。


// Linker configuration file for CC2538.
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.

// Define a memory region that covers the entire 4 GB addressible space of the
// processor.
define memory mem with size = 4G;

// Define a region for the on-chip program code space.
define region FLASH = mem:[from 0x00200000 to 0x0023C7FF];

// Define a region for the OTA CRC structure.
//define region CRC = mem:[from 0x002001EC to 0x002001F3];

// Define a region for the OTA Preamble structure.
//define region PREAMBLE = mem:[from 0x002001F4 to 0x002001FF];

// Define a region for the NVIC table that is 512-byte aligned.
//define region INTVEC = mem:[from 0x00200200 to 0x002003FF];

// Define a region for the on-chip non-volatile (NV) memory.
// "HAL_NV_PAGE_CNT" pages of on-chip flash memory (originally 6 pages) are
// designated for Z-Stack NV items to be stored outside program code space.
// The size of this region MUST MATCH the size defined by "HAL_NV_PAGE_CNT"
// in the file: hal_board_cfg.h
define region NV_MEM = mem:[from 0x0023C800 to 0x0023F7FF];

// Define regions for on-chip factory Commissioning Parameters.
// One page of on-chip flash memory (originally page 255) is designated
// for various parameters to be "commissioned" outside program code space.
// Key-Establishment "Implicit Certificate"
define region CP_IMPC = mem:[from 0x0023FF6C to 0x0023FF9B];
// Key-Establishment "Certificate Authority Public Key"
define region CP_CAPK = mem:[from 0x0023FF9C to 0x0023FFB3];
// Key-Establishment "Device Private Key"
define region CP_DEPK = mem:[from 0x0023FFB4 to 0x0023FFCB];
// Device's unique 64-bit IEEE address
define region CP_IEEE = mem:[from 0x0023FFCC to 0x0023FFD3];

// Define a region for Customer Configuration Area in flash.
define region FLASH_CCA = mem:[from 0x0023FFD4 to 0x0023FFDF];

// Define the region for Lock Bits in flash.
define region FLASH_LCK = mem:[from 0x0023FFE0 to 0x0023FFFF];

// Define the region for Image Boot Manager (IBM) Ledger Page.
//define region LEDGER_PAGE = mem:[from 0x0023C000 to 0x0023C7FF];

// Define the region for Image Boot Manager (IBM)
//define region BOOTLOADER_PAGE = mem:[from 0x0023F800 to 0x0023FD00];

// Define a region for the on-chip SRAM.
define region SRAM = mem:[from 0x20004000 to 0x20007FFF];

// Define a block for the heap. The size should be set to something other
// than zero if things in the C library that require the heap are used.
define block HEAP with alignment = 8, size = 0x00000100 { };

// Indicate that the read/write values should be initialized by copying from
// flash.
initialize by copy { readwrite };

// Indicate that the noinit values should be left alone. This includes the
// stack, which if initialized will destroy the return address from the
// initialization code, causing the processor to branch to zero and fault.
do not initialize { section .noinit };

// Place the OTA CRC structure.
//place at start of CRC { readonly section .crc };

// Place the OTA Preamble structure.
//place at start of PREAMBLE { readonly section .preamble };

// Place the interrupt vectors.
place at start of FLASH { readonly section .intvec };

// Place the cca area at the end of flash.
place at start of FLASH_CCA { readonly section .cca };

// Place the commissioning parameter items.
place at start of CP_IEEE { readonly section IEEE_ADDRESS_SPACE };
place at start of CP_DEPK { readonly section DEV_PRIVATE_KEY_ADDRESS_SPACE };
place at start of CP_CAPK { readonly section CA_PUBLIC_KEY_ADDRESS_SPACE };
place at start of CP_IMPC { readonly section IMPLICIT_CERTIFICATE_ADDRESS_SPACE };

// Place the remainder of the read-only items into flash.
place in FLASH { readonly };

// Place the RAM vector table at the start of SRAM.
place at start of SRAM { section VTABLE };

// Place all read/write items into SRAM.
place in SRAM { readwrite, block HEAP };

// Place the ledger page, if it's defined
//place at start of LEDGER_PAGE { section .ledger };
//do not initialize { section .ledger };

// Place the bootloader page, if it's defined startup_ewarm
//place at start of BOOTLOADER_PAGE { section .bootloader };



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