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ccs 7.0 仿真失败

时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:


       我的电脑配置是  win10 家庭版          cpu 为intel(R) Core(TM)i5-4460T CPU @1.90GHZ 1.90GhZ      64位操作系统,基于x64的处理器

      板子为  cc1310 launchPad rev1.4

      ccs  7.0

  现在的问题是用ccs7.0 仿真时,ccs 很容易挂 掉,每次挂掉后,还必需重启电脑 (或注销),才能正常仿真,否则会试一次挂一次。请问这是什么原因 啊?


ccs6也装过,也有同样的情况,win10里面有一个兼容以前操作系统的设置,我也试过,还是不行。是不是ccs不兼容x64的处理器?  可是有时又能用,无解了。

我这边是win10 , 我装的是Code Composer Studio 6.2.0,目前还没遇到什么问题




Below are the system requirements for Code Composer Studio v7

Hardware Requirements

Minimum Recommended
Memory 2GB 6GB
Disk space 600MB* 2GB
Processor 1.0GHz x86 compatible processor Dual core x86 compatible processor
  • Disk space listed depends on features selected during installation. 600MB is for a bare minimal installation. Does not include temporary space required by the installer.
  • Note that the most important requirement is memory. At least 4GB of memory or more is highly recommended.

Operating System Requirements

  • Windows: Windows 7 (SP1 or later), Windows 8.x and Windows 10
  • Linux: details on the Linux distributions supported is available here
  • Mac: the most current and the previous versions are supported at the time of CCS release

谢谢你的回复。应该是cpu 不支持了,希望TI能快点解决此问题。

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