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cc1110 aes加密问题

时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
// Define size of AES block
#define SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK 16
// Allocate source buffers for AES key and IV/NONCE
static uint8 key[SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK] = {"simpliciti's key"};
static uint8 iv_nonce[SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK] = {"longjing's smart"};
void aesInit(void)
    uint8 i;
    // Generate Key: 
    ENCCS = 0x04 | 0x01;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK; i++)
        ENCDI = key[i];
    // Monitor AES (ENCCS.RDY) to wait until key downloaded
    while(!(ENCCS & 0x08));
     // Generate IV:
    ENCCS = 0x06 | 0x01;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK; i++) 
        ENCDI = iv_nonce[i];
    // Monitor AES (ENCCS.RDY) to wait until IV/NONCE downloaded
    while(!(ENCCS & 0x08));

uint8 encryptDecrypt(uint8* source,uint8 length,uint8* targ,uint8 type)
    uint16 i, j;
    uint8 nBlock = 0;
    nBlock = length / 16;
    if((length % 2) != 0 )//less than 128 bits
          ENCCS = 0x00; // Only valid for encryption mode !
          ENCCS = 0x02; // Only valid for decryption mode !
     ENCCS |= 0X01;
    for (j = 0; j < nBlock; j++) 
      // In encryption mode "aes_buffer_1" represents the data to be encrypted.
      // In decryption mode "aes_buffer_1" represents the data to be decrypted.
      for (i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK; i++) 
          ENCDI = ((i+j*SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK) < length)?source[i+(j*SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK)]:0x00;
//          ENCDI = source[i+(j*SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK)];
     // while(!(ENCCS & 0x08));
//      asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");
      // Upload data block (16 bytes) to allocated AES buffer:
      // In encryption mode "aes_buffer_2" represents the encrypted data.
      // In decryption mode "aes_buffer_2" represents the decrypted data.
      for (i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK; i++) 
        targ[i+(j*SIZE_OF_AES_BLOCK)] = ENCDO;
      // Monitor AES (ENCCS.RDY) to wait until data block downloaded
      while(!(ENCCS & 0x08));     }



这个问题我直接解决了 ,你可以帮我解决下这个问题呢?cc1110 使用simpliciTI 协议栈,我打开SMPL_SECURE宏后,ap发送出的加密数据,ed可以接收到并正确进行解密;而ED发送的加密数据AP却不能?

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