想请教个CC1101可变长数据包发送的问题,在接收端与发射端都已经设置了可变长发送,但是当发送端TxBuf长度大于62个字节时 接收端无法正确接收(显示错误数据),小于62时没任何问题。
手册上说通过同步字后面的第一个字节来配置数据包的长度,也是就是要发送的TxBuf[0]数据吧,可是无论我设置TxBuf[0]与否 ,当大于62字节时接收端都不能正确接收,,想实现可变长发送该如何设置呢
CC1101规格书里面 15.6 章节 里面有专门讲如何处理长的数据包的。
15.6 Packet Handling in Firmware
When implementing a packet oriented radio
protocol in firmware, the MCU needs to know
when a packet has been received/transmitted.
Additionally, for packets longer than 64 bytes,
the RX FIFO needs to be read while in RX and
the TX FIFO needs to be refilled while in TX.
This means that the MCU needs to know the
number of bytes that can be read from or
written to the RX FIFO and TX FIFO
respectively. There are two possible solutions
to get the necessary status information: