首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI无线射频设计 > 请教一下,有关msp430f149+cc1101通信时,当 多方一起发送,一方接收时信号的防碰撞解决办法

请教一下,有关msp430f149+cc1101通信时,当 多方一起发送,一方接收时信号的防碰撞解决办法

时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:




3.与cca 空闲信道评估有什么联系?




可以采用 Listen Before Talk, Enable Clear Channel Assessment 功能。请参考Datasheet 中的说明如下。可以在GPIO Pin 上用示波器或逻辑分析仪检测。

CC1101 supports for automatic Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) before transmitting (for listen-before-talk systems)

The Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) is used to indicate if the current channel is free or busy. The current CCA state is viewable on any of the GDO pins by setting IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG=0x09. MCSM1.CCA_MODE selects the mode to use when determining CCA. When the STX or SFSTXON command strobe is given while CC1101 is in the RX state, the TX or FSTXON state is only entered if the clear channel requirements are fulfilled. Otherwise, the chip will remain in RX. If the channel then becomes available, the radio will not enter TX or FSTXON state before a new strobe command is sent on the SPI interface. This feature is called TX-if-CCA. Four CCA requirements can be programmed:

? Always (CCA disabled, always goes to TX)
? If RSSI is below threshold
? Unless currently receiving a packet
? Both the above (RSSI below threshold and not currently receiving a packet)

需要移植simpliciTI 1.2.0 协议栈吗?

需要移植simpliciTI 1.2.0 协议栈吗?

如果现有的 SimpliciTI  的Code不是基于你选这颗 MCU 的,当然是需要移植了。都是MSP430,应该不是很复杂。你有组网的需求吗?应用场景是怎样的?

simpliciTI 1.2.0应该是基于msp430+CC1101的。 应用场景是这样:在大型展馆里,每个展位都会有一个430+1101的发射器,它们会不断发射标识自己的ID号,当游客手持430+1101接收器在展馆中参观时,就会接收到展位发来的多个ID号,这就会有一个信号碰撞的问题。我的目的是得到游客离展位最近的那个ID号。大概的应用场景就是这样的。


这个应用得对不同信号的 Dummy Packet (类似广播包) 的 RSSI 进行侦测比较,然后确定更谁通讯。然后手持端发送请求信号给展台发送端,这个时候展台发送端再发送数据。

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