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时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

If the unmappedChannel is a used channel according to the channel map, the channel selection algorithm shall use the unmappedChannelas the data channel index for the connection event.
If the unmappedChannel is an unused channel according to the channel map, the unmappedChannelshall be re-mapped to one ofthe used channels in the
channel map using the following algorithm

core_v4.0里面的一段话,请教一下,unmappedChannel  与a used channel和an unused channel 之间什么关系,没有映射的channel与没有使用的channel不是一回事吗?谢谢

master的链路层将数据信道划分为使用的信道( used channel,用于连接)和未使用的信道(unused channel,不用于连接),即所谓的信道图(channel map)。信道选择算法分为2个阶段:首先计算未映射的信道索引(unmappedChannel index),然后将其映射为数据信道索引(data channel index)。该索引隶属于已使用信道集。

unmappedChannel  可以是a used channel也可以是an unused channel 。每次连接事件开始,slave和master通过算法unmappedChannel= (lastUnmappedChannel+ hopIncrement) mod 37来计算unmappedChannel,若得到的unmappedChannel是使用信道a used channel,则直接将其作为数据信道索引值;若unmappedChannel是未使用信道an unused channel,则按照公式remappingIndex= unmappedChannelmod numUsedChannels将其重新映射。

谢谢,Susan Yang

          我想再问一下,通过算法unmappedChannel= (lastUnmappedChannel+ hopIncrement) mod 37来计算unmappedChannel,如何判断unmappedChannel是a used channel,还是an unused channel,有相关的介绍资料吗?感觉还是有点疑惑

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