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TI的SimpleLink? Wi-Fi® CC3000有没有提供扫描周围的AP的信号强度(RSSI)的功能?

时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

TI的SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3000有没有提供扫描周围的AP的信号强度(RSSI)的功能?求TI的大神解答啊,看了好久用户指南,还是没有确定CC3000到底是不是有这个功能呢……

wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results(unsigned long ulScanTimeout,
                            unsigned char *ucResults)

 * format of the scan result:
 * - 4 Bytes: number of networks found
 * - 4 Bytes: The status of the scan: 0 - agged results, 1 - results valid, 2 - no results
 *  - 56 bytes: Result entry, where the bytes are arranged as
 *    follows:
 *    - 1 bit isValid - is result valid or not
 *    - 7 bits rssi    - RSSI value; 
 *    - 2 bits: securityMode - security mode of the AP: 0 - Open, 1 - WEP, 2 WPA, 3 WPA2
 *    - 6 bits: SSID name length
 *    - 2 bytes: the time at which the entry has entered into scans result table
 *    - 32 bytes: SSID name
 *    - 6 bytes: BSSID


嗯  找到这个函数了,谢谢。不过还有一个问题,CC3000的wlan_api适用于CC3000的所有型号吗?比如以下这些函数。而且我想用MSP430控制CC3000,来实现扫描AP的功能,用CC3000MOD能实现吗?

void  wlan_init (tWlanCB sWlanCB, tFWPatches sFWPatches, tDriverPatches sDriverPatches, tBootLoaderPatches sBootLoaderPatches, tWlanReadInteruptPinsReadWlanInterruptPin, tWlanInterruptEnable sWlanInterruptEnable, tWlanInterruptDisable sWlanInterruptDisable, tWriteWlanPin sWriteWlanPin)
  Initialize wlan driver. 
void  wlan_start (unsigned short usPatchesAvailableAtHost)
  Start WLAN device. This function asserts the enable pin of the device (WLAN_EN), starting the HW initialization process. The function blocked until device Initialization is completed. Function also configure patches (FW, driver or bootloader) and calls appropriate device callbacks. 
void  wlan_stop (void)
  Stop WLAN device by putting it into reset state. 
long  wlan_connect (unsigned long ulSecType, char *ssid, long ssid_len, unsigned char *bssid, unsigned char *key, long key_len)
  Connect to AP. 
long  wlan_disconnect (void)
  Disconnect connection from AP. 
long  wlan_add_profile (unsigned long ulSecType, unsigned char *ucSsid, unsigned long ulSsidLen, unsigned char *ucBssid, unsigned long ulPriority, unsigned long ulPairwiseCipher_Or_Key, unsigned long ulGroupCipher_TxKeyLen, unsigned long ulKeyMgmt, unsigned char *ucPf_OrKey, unsigned long ulPassPhraseLen)
  When auto start is enabled, the device connects to station from the profiles table. Up to 7 profiles are supported. If several profiles configured the device choose the highest priority profile, within each priority group, device will choose profile based on security policy, signal strength, etc parameters. All the profiles are stored in CC3000 NVMEM. 
long  wlan_ioctl_del_profile (unsigned long ulIndex)
  Delete WLAN profile. 
long  wlan_set_event_mask (unsigned long ulMask)
  Mask event according to bit mask. In case that event is masked (1), the device will not send the masked event to host. 
long  wlan_ioctl_statusget (void)
  get wlan status: disconnected, scanning, connecting or connected 
long  wlan_ioctl_set_connection_policy (unsigned long should_connect_to_open_ap, unsigned long should_use_fast_connect, unsigned long ulUseProfiles)
  When auto is enabled, the device tries to connect according the following policy: 1) If fast connect is enabled and last connection is valid, the device will try to connect to it without the scanning procedure (fast). The last connection will be marked as invalid, due to adding/removing profile. 2) If profile exists, the device will try to connect it (Up to seven profiles). 3) If fast and profiles are not found, and open mode is enabled, the device will try to connect to any AP. 
long  wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results (unsigned long ulScanTimeout, unsigned char *ucResults)
  Gets entry from scan result table. The scan results are returned one by one, and each entry represents a single AP found in the area. The following is a format of the scan result: 
long  wlan_ioctl_set_scan_params (unsigned long uiEnable, unsigned long uiMinDwellTime, unsigned long uiMaxDwellTime, unsigned long uiNumOfProbeRequests, unsigned long uiChannelMask, long iRSSIThreshold, unsigned long uiSNRThreshold, unsigned long uiDefaultTxPower, unsigned long *aiIntervalList)
  start and stop scan procedure. Set scan parameters. 
long  wlan_smart_config_start (unsigned long algoEncryptedFlag)
  Start to acquire device profile. The device acquire its own profile, if profile message is found. The acquired AP information is stored in CC3000 EEPROM only in case AES128 encryption is used. In case AES128 encryption is not used, a profile is created by CC3000 internally. 
long  wlan_smart_config_stop (void)
  Stop the acquire profile procedure. 
long  wlan_smart_config_set_prefix (char *cNewPrefix)
  Configure station ssid prefix. The prefix is used internally in CC3000. It should always be TTT. 
long  wlan_smart_config_process (void)
  process the acquired data and store it as a profile. The acquired AP information is stored in CC3000 EEPROM encrypted. The encrypted data is decrypted and stored as a profile. behavior is as defined by connection policy. 


可是我在网上搜搜到了CC3000MOD CC3000FRAMEMK CC3000FRAMEMK-L三种不同的呢?而且……再麻烦一下,CC3000的开发环境是什么啊?就是说我想编写软件应该用什么软件呢?

这些是CC3000MOD是一个模块,CC3000FRAMEMK 是CC3000+MSP430的开发套件,后者也一样。



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