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CC2533 can't download program

时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

My compiling environment is IAR 7.6 8051, I use CC debugger which suits for CC2530 well, When using IAR online compiling, it can't identify CC2533, instead , it shows CC0000 or CC1100, when using SmartRF flash programmer, it didn't have any reaction, Who can help me? Thank you very much.

It happens sometimes. Try another CC debugger. You may need to update the CC debugger firmware. 

如Peng He所说, 下载最新版本的SmartRF Flash Programmer, 连上CC Debuger后根据提示更新固件是个好主意.

下载地址: http://www.ti.com/tool/flash-programmer.

Hi, Peng He:

Thank you for your reply, I have tried another CC debugger, CC2533 can be downloaded several times at first, but it can't be dowmloadeded then, I checked DCOUPLE pin, it shows 3V instead of 1.8V. I am wondering if the power supply is not stable? I sincerely hope you can help me, Thank you very much.

Hi Li Jie,

What CC2533 board are you using? Your own design or TI's EM evaluation board? The voltage on DCOUPL pin should be stable. I measured the DCOUPL pin on CC2530 and the voltage was 3.3V. You may need to check the schematic of your own design and try other boards too. Firstly, you'd better isolate the problem to decide whether it was caused by the CC debugger or the DUT board.

Hi Peng He,

I design a board based on CC2533,and I use a fw_smartrf04eb emulator,the emulator version is 0045.It shows cc1100.

I found that my CC2533 is fake


I have solved this problem, as my CC2533's weld is terrible, CC1100 means the connection between CC2533 and board is not valid.

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