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Why EndDeviceEB left app less mem than CoorinatorEB?

时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

 In SampleApp,the coordinator  can use osal_mem_alloc  to obtain about  2048B while the enddevice can use osal_mem_alloc to obtain about  1024B.
why the coordinator  obtained more mem than the enddevice? i am so confused.

i use the code to test:

      char *p=NULL;

Then I have a look at the file SampleApp.map

133 561 bytes of CODE memory
26 bytes of DATA memory (+ 87 absolute )
6 895 bytes of XDATA memory
192 bytes of IDATA memory
8 bits of BIT memory
943 bytes of CONST memory

116 972 bytes of CODE memory
26 bytes of DATA memory (+ 87 absolute )
5 442 bytes of XDATA memory
192 bytes of IDATA memory
8 bits of BIT memory
879 bytes of CONST memory

that meas as follows,
with CoorinatorEB-Pro, the 6 895 bytes of XDATA memory have been used by system ,so left to the app will be 8192-6895=1297B
with EndDeviceEB-Pro, the 5442 bytes of XDATA memory have been used by system ,so left to the app will be 8192-5442=2750B

Why is not consistent with the above?

End device is RFD (redouce function device). pls refer to below.

•Does not:

–route messages

–own or start network

–allow other devices to join it

Did you notice below define in Onboard.h?

#if !defined INT_HEAP_LEN
#if defined RTR_NWK
  #define INT_HEAP_LEN  3072
  #define INT_HEAP_LEN  2048

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