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CC2540 I2C

时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:


BLE 1.3里有对I2C的驱动。 sensorTag例子就是I2C驱动传感器。另外CC2540不带硬件I2C, CC2541才有I2C.

我意思用软件模拟I2C的话是不是RemoTI-CC253xDK-1.3.1项目里的hal_i2c.c文件可用,CC2541和CC2540区别是 you’re concerned with active power consumption, use CC2541, as it will save you 30% in TX and around 10% in RX.

  • If you need +4 dBm output power, you should choose the CC2540.
  • If you need a USB interface, you should choose the CC2540.
  • If you need I2C, you should choose the CC2541.
  • If you want to communicate using a proprietary protocol, you should choose the CC2541.
  • If none of the above apply, it doesn’t matter which one you choose. 
  • If cost is important, CC2541 is priced slightly lower than CC2540.这些吧其他通用的吧

没试过,不过CC254X与CC2531 Pin to Pin.你可以试一试。 我的建议是如果你是使用CC2541还是使用B LE STACK提供的hal_i2c.c. 有例子

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