有几个关于 ZigBee LightLink 的问题还请高手们答疑解惑一下。
1. ZigBeeLightLink is not a real time OS, how to add a timer interrupt(100us) ? so that something can be handled in the timer interrupt service routine.
2. how to create an event, like a "periodic send message" function, and add it to the OS?
3. how to copy a scene from one remote to another?
4. where is the location of the list of the connected devices and their status in the flash memory?
5. how to add a function that ends further devices joining to the existing network and how to re-enable it ?
6. if we need to add a new remote to the network, but the old remote lost, how can we join the same network without the old remote?
1)你可以自己添加硬件定时器 Timer1 Time3 Timer4,在定时器中断里面处理你想做的事情
2)建议你先了解TI Z-satck 的OSAL运行机制。初步的了解你可以看下这个网站,以及TI Z-stack里面的OSAL API文档
3)4)5)建议看下Zigbee Specification和ZLL Specification