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uint8_t MRFI_Transmit(mrfiPacket_t * pPacket, uint8_t txType)


#ifdef NWK_PLL

   bspIState_t s;


 uint8_t ccaRetries;

 uint8_t returnValue = MRFI_TX_RESULT_SUCCESS;

 /* radio must be awake to transmit */


 /* Turn off reciever. We can ignore/drop incoming packets during transmit. */


 MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket );

 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------

  *    Immediate transmit

  *   ---------------------


 if (txType == MRFI_TX_TYPE_FORCED)


//#ifdef NWK_PLL



//    MRFI_CompleteTxPrep( pPacket );

#ifdef NWK_PLL




     if( stx_active == false ) // if the channel was changed



       Mrfi_RxModeOff();            // turn off the radio

       MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket ); // setup transmission again

       continue; // restart the loop


   MRFI_CompleteTxPrep( pPacket );

   } while( 0 );


   /* Issue the TX strobe. */

   mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( STX );

#ifdef NWK_PLL



   /* Wait for transmit to complete */

   Mrfi_DelayUsecLong( MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us / 1000,

                       MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us % 1000,

                       mrfi_TxImmediateDone );

   /* Clear the interrupt flag */





   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------

    *    CCA transmit

    *   ---------------



   /* set number of CCA retries */

   ccaRetries = MRFI_CCA_RETRIES;

   /* For CCA algorithm, we need to know the transition from the RX state to

    * the TX state. There is no need for SYNC signal in this logic. So we

    * can re-configure the GDO_0 output from the radio to be PA_PD signal

    * instead of the SYNC signal.

    * Since both SYNC and PA_PD are used as falling edge interrupts, we

    * don't need to reconfigure the MCU input.



   /* ===============================================================================

    *    Main Loop

    *  =============


   for (;;)


     /* Radio must be in RX mode for CCA to happen.

      * Otherwise it will transmit without CCA happening.


     /* Can not use the Mrfi_RxModeOn() function here since it turns on the

      * Rx interrupt, which we don't want in this case.


     mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( SRX );

     /* wait for the rssi to be valid. */


     MRFI_WaitTimeoutUsec(MRFI_RSSI_VALID_DELAY_US, Mrfi_ValidateRSSI);




#ifdef NWK_PLL


       if( stx_active == false ) // if the channel was changed



         Mrfi_RxModeOff();            // turn off the radio

         MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket ); // setup transmission again

         continue; // restart the cca loop


     MRFI_CompleteTxPrep( pPacket );



      *  Clear the PA_PD pin interrupt flag.  This flag, not the interrupt itself,

      *  is used to capture the transition that indicates a transmit was started.

      *  The pin level cannot be used to indicate transmit success as timing may

      *  prevent the transition from being detected.  The interrupt latch captures

      *  the event regardless of timing.



     /* Issue the TX strobe. */

     mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( STX );

#ifdef NWK_PLL



     /* Delay long enough for the PA_PD signal to indicate a

      * successful transmit. This is the 250 XOSC periods

      * (9.6 us for a 26 MHz crystal) See section 19.6 of 2500 datasheet.

      * Found out that we need a delay of atleast 20 us on CC2500 and

      * 25 us on CC1100 to see the PA_PD signal change.



     /* PA_PD signal goes from HIGH to LOW when going from RX state.

      * This transition is trapped as a falling edge interrupt flag

      * to indicate that CCA passed and the transmit has started.




       /* ------------------------------------------------------------------

       *    Clear Channel Assessment passed.

       *   ----------------------------------


       /* Clear the PA_PD int flag */


       Mrfi_DelayUsecLong( MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us / 1000,

                           MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us % 1000,

                           mrfi_TxCCADone );

       /* transmit done, break */





       /* ------------------------------------------------------------------

        *    Clear Channel Assessment failed.

        *   ----------------------------------


       /* Turn off radio and save some power during backoff */

       /* NOTE: Can't use Mrfi_RxModeOff() - since it tries to update the

        * sync signal status which we are not using during the TX operation.



       /* flush the receive FIFO of any residual data */

       mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( SFRX );

       /* Retry ? */

       if (ccaRetries != 0)



         stx_active = false;


         /* delay for a random number of backoffs */


         MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket ); // setup transmission again

         /* decrement CCA retries before loop continues */



       else /* No CCA retries are left, abort */


         /* set return value for failed transmit and break */

         returnValue = MRFI_TX_RESULT_FAILED;



     } /* CCA Failed */

   } /* CCA loop */

 }/* txType is CCA */

 /* Done with TX. Clean up time... */

 /* Radio is already in IDLE state */

#ifdef NWK_PLL

 stx_active = false;

 // Packet transmitted, regardless of packet type, remove reference.

 sTxTimeStampAddr = NULL;



  * Flush the transmit FIFO.  It must be flushed so that

  * the next transmit can start with a clean slate.


 mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( SFTX );

 /* Restore GDO_0 to be SYNC signal */


 /* If the radio was in RX state when transmit was attempted,

  * put it back to Rx On state.


 if(mrfiRadioState == MRFI_RADIO_STATE_RX)




 return( returnValue );




MCSM1=0x30;  //发现设置为其它也可以类似地处理



TI_CC_SPIStrobe(TI_CCxxx0_SRX);    //开接收


while (TI_CC_GDO2_PxIN & TI_CC_GDO2_PIN);  //如有载波信号,则延时继续等待

RFSendPacket(TxBuf,leng);  //直接进入发送


status1 = TI_CC_SPIReadStatus(TI_CCxxx0_MARCSTATE);  //读取芯片状态


这里发现一个特点:如果有外部的同频信号干扰,则程序会长时间停止在TX状态,而当外部同频信号消失后会立即完成TX功能,此时若发送成功(对侧也收到了发送的内容)则status1 与设定的MCSM1的BIT0~1相同,若发送失败(对侧未收到)则status1 =0x0D表示RX状态。



while (TI_CC_GDO2_PxIN & TI_CC_GDO2_PIN);  我的程序一直停止在这一句上面(TI_CC_GDO2_PxIN & TI_CC_GDO2_PIN一直为‘0’)。我的QQ为76018335,期待您的回复。谢谢!

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