首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI无线射频设计 > 关于CC1101芯片的FIFOTHR寄存器


时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

在理解CC1101芯片的FIFOTHR寄存器上面感到比较困惑,手册中说A signal will assert when the number of bytes in the FIFO is equal to or higher than the programmed threshold. 在给的例子中说FIFO_THR=13,即在TX FIFO中的字节数equal to or higher than 9或TX FIFO中字节数equal to or higher than 56时,会出现溢出。例子附的两个图也没明白:



1  FIFO_THR设置的是FIFO的最大值,为什么发送最大字节数是8,而接收能接收接收56字节?按照我的理解应该是最大发送8 byte,加上FEC的2byte,接收端的门限应该是10byte才对,但从Figure 27中显示,为什么接收能有55byte,而发送只能有8 byte。

2 我看SmartRF推荐配置为0x07,如果我想发送61字节,是否应该配置为0x00?

A signal will assert  on gdo pins when the number of bytes in the FIFO is equal to or higher than the programmed threshold.

Purpose  of  this  remind  you the operating time,first you should understand what's the fifo_thr means.

Thanks  for your reply.Exactly  I didn't understand  why  the  Num_Bytes in Figure 27 go back to the normal range(lower than threshold) automaticly。Infact it's not  "automaticly " goes back to normal range,but because of the operating of the FIFO.Thanks again.

maybe i should answer this with Chinese

这个是设置fifo的报警阈值,并不是最大值。注意因为rx在接受的时候fifio越来越满,当小于9个byte时会置高,总的是64个字节。  tx 正好相反,fifo会越来越空,所以快空的时候会报警,如果你设置了相应的寄存器的话

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