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Where to start Embedded Software (other half of SOC)?

时间:03-14 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have not been in the Embedded software arena till now although I have read some books not completely but I don't know which tools I need. If someone has better knowledge, can please answer my below simple question?
1- Is that OS development?
2- Is that software development?
3- Is that Micro-processor development?
4- Is that firmware development?
5- If it is all of the above, then what is the role of the hardware designer? I mean suppose you want to develope a micro-processor. Which part of it should be created by hardware designer and which part by software designer?
6- What is the role of system developer?
6- What are the best tools for Embedded softwares?
7- And anything that can help?

If you want to be the god of Embedded software, refer to:

is there any useful tutorial ?

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