pads9.3安装后orcad CIS16.3打不开
Cadence Allegro 16.3和PADS 9.2衝突解決辦法。
問題現象:如果同時安裝Cadence Allegro/Orcad 16.3和PADS 9.2後,運行“Design Entry CIS”都提示找不到msvcr90.dll。
解決這種衝突問題的方法如下:這個是環境變數path引起的。先裝PADS 9.2後裝Cadence Allegro/Orcad 16.3會導致啟動路徑預設為Mentor的檔路徑,將系統環境變數下面的系統變數path中mentor相關的都調整到後面就可以了。
You need to edit your "Path" system variable. Go to:
Control Panel\System\Advanced system settings\Advanced\System variables
Scroll down to a variable "Path" and click "Edit" button. Copy and Paste the value of your Path into the Notepad, and move all of the "c:\Cadence\SPB_16.3\..." (assuming your installation is in the c:\Cadence) entries to the top of the file. Then copy and paste the contents back into the "Path" variable. That should fix the problem.
一定要先装Cadence Allegro 16.3才能装PADS9.3吗?