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GSM:CM Service Request 深度学习

时间:08-21 整理:3721RD 点击:

CM Service Request
MS Tick: 916432
Time: 11:07:43.81
Skip indicator : 0
Protocol discriminator : (5) Mobility management messages
Message type : 36
Ciphering key sequence number
  Key sequence : (6) 6
CM service type
  Service type : (1) Mobile originating call establishment or packet mode connection establishment
Mobile station classmark
  Revision level : (2) Mobile station supporting R99 or later versions of the protocol
  ES IND : (1) "Controlled Early Classmark Sending" option is implemented in the MS
  A5/1 : (0) Encryption algorithm A5/1 available
  RF Power Capability : (3) class 4
  PS capability (pseudo-synchronization capability) : (0) PS capability not present
  SS Screening Indicator (defined in TS 24.080) : 1
  SM capability (MT SMS pt to pt capability) : (1) Mobile station supports mobile terminated point to point SMS
  VBS notification reception : (0) No VBS capability or no notifications wanted
  VGCS notification reception : (0) No VGCS capability or no notifications wanted
  FC Frequency Capability : (1) (GSM900 only:) The MS supports E-GSM or R-GSM
  CM3 : (1) The MS supports options that are indicated in classmark 3 IE
  LCS VA capability : (1) LCS value added location request notification capability supported
  UCS2 : (1) The ME has no preference between the use of the default alphabet and the use of UCS2.
  SoLSA : (0) The ME does not support SoLSA.
  CMSP: CM Service Prompt : (0) "Network initiated MO CM connection request" not supported.
  A5/3 : (0) Encryption algorithm A5/3 not available
  A5/2 : (0) Encryption algorithm A5/2 not available
Mobile identity
  Odd/even indication : (0) Even number of digits
  Type of identity : (4) TMSI/P-TMSI
  TMSI/P-TMSI : Hex 0x8804D13A


CM service type
指示请求的服务类型是MOC 还是SMS

CM service type
  Service type : (1) Mobile originating call establishment or packet mode connection establishment

Service type : (1) Mobile originating call establishment or packet mode connection establishment

originating call establishment  主叫originating

CM service type中的  Service type

³ Service type (octet 1)                              ³
³ Bits                                                ³
³ 4 3 2 1                                             ³
³ 0 0 0 1  Mobile originating call establishment      ³
³          or packet mode connection establishment    ³
³ 0 0 1 0  Emergency call establishment               ³
³ 0 1 0 0  Short message service                      ³
³ 1 0 0 0  Supplementary service activation           ³
³ 1 0 0 1  Voice group call establishment             ³
            ³ 1 0 1 0  Voice broadcast call establishment 

Service type : (1) Mobile originating call establishment or packet mode connection establishment


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