; data: feb.23.2001
; Functionality:
; This code implements the basic functions for an I2C slave device
; using the SSP module. All I2C functions are handled in an ISR.
; Bytes written to the slave are stored in a buffer. After a number
; of bytes have been written, the master device can then read the
; bytes back from the buffer.
; Variables and Constants used in the program:
; The start address for the receive buffer is stored in the variable
; 'RXBuffer'. The length of the buffer is denoted by the constant
; value 'RX_BUF_LEN'. The current buffer index is stored in the
; variable 'Index'.
; The following files should be included in the MPLAB project:
; an734.asm-- Main source code file
; 16f872.lkr-- Linker script file
; (change this file for the device
; you are using)
#include p16f872.inc> ; Change to device that you are using.
;Constant Definitions
#define NODE_ADDR 0x02 ; I2C address of this node
; Change this value to address that
; you wish to use.
; Buffer Length Definition
#define RX_BUF_LEN 32 ; Length of receive buffer
; Variable declarations
WREGsave res 1
STATUSsave res 1
FSRsave res 1
PCLATHsave res 1
Index res 1 ; Index to receive buffer
Temp res 1 ;
RXBuffer res RX_BUF_LEN ; Holds rec'd bytes from master
; device.
; Vectors
goto Startup ;
nop ; 0x0002
nop ; 0x0003
goto ISR ; 0x0004
PROG code
; Macros
memset macro Buf_addr,Value,Length
movlw Length ; This macro loads a range of data memory
movwf Temp ; with a specified value. The starting
movlw Buf_addr ; address and number of bytes are also
movwf FSR ; specified.
SetNext movlw Value
movwf INDF
incf FSR,F
decfsz Temp,F
goto SetNext
LFSR macro Address,Offset ; This macro loads the correct value
movlw Address ; into the FSR given an initial data
movwf FSR ; memory address and offset value.
movf Offset,W
addwf FSR,F
; Main Code
call Setup
Main clrwdt ; Clear the WDT
goto Main ; Loop forever.
; Interrupt Code
movwf WREGsave ; Save WREG
movf STATUS,W ; Get STATUS register
banksel STATUSsave ; Switch banks, if needed.
movwf STATUSsave ; Save the STATUS register
movf PCLATH,W ;
movwf PCLATHsave ; Save PCLATH
movf FSR,W ;
movwf FSRsave ; Save FSR
banksel PIR1
btfss PIR1,SSPIF ; Is this a SSP interrupt?
goto $ ; No, just trap here.
call SSP_Handler ; Yes, service SSP interrupt.
banksel FSRsave
movf FSRsave,W ;
movwf FSR ; Restore FSR
movf PCLATHsave,W ;
movwf PCLATH ; Restore PCLATH
movf STATUSsave,W ;
movwf STATUS ; Restore STATUS
swapf WREGsave,F ;
swapf WREGsave,W ; Restore WREG
retfie ; Return from interrupt.
; Initializes program variables and peripheral registers.
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