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Microchip MRF24WB0MA 2.4GHz Wi-Fi解决方案

时间:10-22 来源:互联网 点击:

Microchip公司的MRF24WB0MA/MRF24WB0MB是低功耗2.4 GHz, IEEE Std. 802.11b兼容的RF收发器模块,表面安装模块(尺寸32mmx31mm),具有所有的RF元件如晶振,旁路和片压无源元件,MAC,基带,RF和功率放大器,以及支持AES和TKIP (WEP, WPA, WPA2安全)的硬件.数据速率领1和2Mbps,IEEE Std. 802.11b/g/n兼容,工作电压2.7V–3.6V, ISM频段2.400–2.484 GHz,DSSS调制,1Mbps的灵敏度-91dBm,输出功率+10dBm可控,主要用在智能电表,消费类电子,遥控设备管理和零售业.本文介绍了MRF24WB0MA主要特性,方框图,应用电路图以及Wi-Fi通用演示板主要特性,电路图和元件布局图及主要元件.

The MRF24WB0MA and MRF24WB0MB are low-power,2.4 GHz, IEEE Std. 802.11-compliant, surface mount modules with all associated RF components – crystal oscillator, bypass and bias passives with integrated MAC, baseband, RF and power amplifier, and built-in hardware support for AES, and TKIP (WEP, WPA, WPA2 security). The integrated module design frees the designer from RF and antenna design tasks and regulatory compliance testing, ultimately providing quicker time to market.

The MRF24WB0MA module is approved for use with the integrated PCB meander antenna.

The MRF24WB0MB comes with an ultra miniature coaxial connector (U.FL) and is approved for use with a list of pre-certified antennas.

The MRF24WB0MA/MRF24WB0MB modules are designed to be used with Microchip’s TCP/IP software stack. The software stack has an integrated driver that implements the API that is used in the modules for command and control, and for management and data packet traffic.

The combination of the module and a PIC running the TCP/IP stack results in support for IEEE Standard 802.11 and IP services. This allows, the immediate implementation of a wireless web server.

The MRF24WB0MA/MRF24WB0MB modules have received regulatory approvals for modular devices in the United States (FCC), Canada (IC), and Europe (ETSI). The modular approval removes the need for expensive RF and antenna design, and allows the end user to place the modules inside a finished product and not require regulatory testing for an intentional radiator (RF transmitter). They also have Radio Type Approval Certification for Japan.


• IEEE Std. 802.11-compliant RF Transceiver

• Serialized unique MAC address

• Data Rate: 1 and 2 Mbps

• IEEE Std. 802.11b/g/n compatible

• Small size: 21mm x 31mm 36-pin Surface Mount Module

• Integrated PCB antenna (MRF24WB0MA)

• External antenna option (MRF24WB0MB) with ultra miniature coaxial (U.FL) connector

• Range: up to 400m (1300 ft.)

• Easy integration into final product – accelerates product development, provides quicker time to market

• Radio regulation certification for United States (FCC), Canada (IC), Europe (ETSI) and Japan (ARIB)

• Wi-Fi® certified (WFA ID: WFA7150)

• Designed for use with Microchip microcontroller families (PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC33, and PIC32) with downloadable Microchip TCP/IP Stack Operational:

• Single operating voltage: 2.7V–3.6V (3.3V typical)

• Temperature Range: -20℃ to +85℃ extended commercial

• Simple, four-wire SPI interface with interrupt

• Low-current consumption:

- RX mode – 85 mA (typical)

- TX mode – 154 mA (+10 dBm typical)

- Sleep – 250 μA (typical)

- Hibernate –0.1 μA (typical)


• ISM Band 2.400–2.484 GHz operation

• 14 Channels selectable individually or domainrestricted

• DSSS Modulation

• Data Rate – 1000 kbps

• -91 dBm Typical sensitivity at 1 Mbps

• +10 dBm Typical output power with control

• Integrated low phase nois

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