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Freescale MC12311 SiP无线连接解决方案

时间:11-02 来源:互联网 点击:

  • – Programmable low voltage interrupt (LVI)

    – Optional watchdog timer (COP)

    – Illegal opcode detection

    — Peripherals

    – ADC — 10-channel, 12-bit resolution; 2.5 ms conversion time; automatic compare function; 1.7 mV/°C temperature sensor; internal bandgap reference channel; operation in stop3; fully functional from 3.6 V to 1.8 V

    – ACMPx — Two analog comparators with selectable interrupt on rising, falling, or either edge of comparator output; compare option to fixed internal bandgap reference voltage; outputs can be optionally routed to TPM module; operation in stop3

    – SCIx — Two serial communications interface modules with optional 13-bit break. Full duplex non-return to zero (NRZ); LIN master extended break generation; LIN slave extended break detection; wake on active edge

    – IIC — One IIC; up to 100 kbps with maximum bus loading; multi-master operation; programmable slave address; interrupt driven byte-by-byte data transfer; supports broadcast mode and 10-bit addressing

    – TPMx — One 6-channel (TPM3) and two 3-channel (TPM1 and TPM2); selectable input capture, output compare, or buffered edge- or center-aligned PWM on each channel;

    – RTC — (Real-time counter) 8-bit modulus counter with binary or decimal based prescaler; external clock source for precise time base, time-of-day, calendar or task scheduling functions; free running on-chip low power oscillator (1 kHz) for cyclic wake-up without external components; runs in all MCU modes

    — KBI — Two 8-bit port keyboard interrupt modules

    — Input/Output

    – Up to 33 GPIO including dedicated GPIO supporting transceiver

    – 13 KBI interrupts with selectable polarity

    – Hysteresis and configurable pullup device on all input pins; Configurable slew rate and drive strength on all output pins.

    • 1.8 V to 3.6 V operating voltage with on-chip voltage regulators

    • Temperature range of –40 ℃ to 85 ℃

    • 60-pin LGA (8x8 mm) Package

    Freescale will support the MC12311 platform with several software solutions:

    • SMAC (Simple Media Access Controller) - This codebase provides simple communication and test apps based on drivers/PHY utilities available as source code. This environment is useful for hardware and RF debug, hardware standards certification, and developing proprietary applications.

    • IEEE 802.15.4 MAC with custom PHY layer - The Freescale MAC is a robust, mature codebase useful for developing networking solutions. Freescale is implementing an IEEE 802.15.4 MAC-compatible custom sub-1 GHz PHY template that can be used across different frequency bands. This capability allows users to build powerful networking solutions on a known, stable codebase.

    • Wireless MBUS stack - Freescale is porting an existing wireless MBUS codebase to the MC12311 platform which will be available through an external partner.

    图2.MC12311 收发器框图

    图3.MC12311 MCU框图


    MC12311 开发平台

    The MC12311 development platform is a highly-integrated, cost-effective, system-in-package (SIP), sub-1GHz wireless node solution with an FSK, GFSK, MSK, or OOK modulation-capable transceiver and low-power QE32 8-bit microcontroller. The highly integrated RF transceiver operates over a wide frequency range including 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 470 MHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 928 MHz, and 955 MHz in the license-free Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency bands.

    The MC12311 development platform is built around the concept of having a single daughter card (12311-MRB)

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