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时间:10-08 来源:互联网 点击:

1930xC1Load Cycle Count orLoad/Unload Cycle Count(Fujitsu)Count of load/unload cycles into head landing zone position.

The typical lifetime rating for laptop (2.5-in) hard drives is 300,000 to 600,000 load cycles. Some laptop drives are programmed to unload the heads whenever there has not been any activity for about five seconds.Many Linux installations write to the file system a few times a minute in the background. As a result, there may be 100 or more load cycles per hour, and the load cycle rating may be exceeded in less than a year

1940xC2Temperatureresp.Temperature CelsiusCurrent internal temperature.

1950xC3Hardware ECC Recovered(Vendor specific raw value.) The raw value has different structure for different vendors and is often not meaningful as a decimal number.

1960xC4Reallocation Event CountCount of remap operations. The raw value of this attribute shows the total count of attempts to transfer data from reallocated sectors to a spare area. Both successful unsuccessful attempts are counted.

1970xC5Current Pending Sector CountCount of unstable sectors (waiting to be remapped, because of read errors). If an unstable sector is subsequently read successfully, this value is decreased and the sector is not remapped. Read errors on a sector will not remap the sector (since it might be readable later); instead, the drive firmware remembers that the sector needs to be remapped, and remaps it the next time it's written.

1980xC6Uncorrectable Sector Countor

Offline Uncorrectableor

Off-Line Scan Uncorrectable Sector Count

The total count of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector. A rise in the value of this attribute indicates defects of the disk surface and/or problems in the mechanical subsystem.

1990xC7UltraDMA CRC Error CountThe count of errors in data transfer via the interface cable as determined by ICRC (Interface Cyclic Redundancy Check).

2000xC8Multi-Zone Error RateThe count of errors found when writing a sector. The higher the value, the worse the disk's mechanical condition is.

2000xC8Write Error Rate (Fujitsu)The total count of errors when writing a sector.

2010xC9Soft Read Error Rate or

TA Counter Detected

Count of off-track errors.

2020xCAData Address Mark errorsor

TA Counter Increased

Count of Data Address Mark errors (or vendor-specific).

2030xCBRun Out CancelCount of ECC errors

2040xCCSoft ECC CorrectionCount of errors corrected by software ECC

2050xCDThermal Asperity Rate (TAR)Count of errors due to high temperature.

2060xCEFlying HeightHeight of heads above the disk surface. A flying height that's too low increases the chances of a head crash while a flying height that's too high increases the chances of a read/write error.

2070xCFSpin High CurrentAmount of surge current used to spin up the drive.

2080xD0Spin BuzzCount of buzz routines needed to spin up the drive due to insufficient power.

2090xD1Offline Seek PerformanceDrive’s seek performance during its internal tests.

2100xD2Unkonw(found in a Maxtor 6B200M0 200GB and Maxtor 2R015H1 15GB disks)

2110xD3Vibration During WriteVibration During Write

2120xD4Shock During WriteShock During Write

2200xDCDisk ShiftDistance the disk has shifted relative to the spindle (usually due to shock or temperature). Unit of measure is unknown.

2220xDELoaded HoursTime spent operating under data load (movement of magnetic head armature)

2230xDFLoad/Unload Retry CountCount of times head changes position.

2240xE0Load FrictionResistance caused by friction in mechanical parts while operating.

2250xE1Load/Unload Cycle CountTotal count of load cycles

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