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时间:10-08 来源:互联网 点击:

ilure in the mechanical positioning system, then seek errors will arise. Such a failure may be due to numerous factors, such as damage to a servo, or thermal widening of the hard disk. The raw value has different structure for different vendors and is often not meaningful as a decimal number.

080x08Seek Time PerformanceAverage performance of seek operations of the magnetic heads. If this attribute is decreasing, it is a sign of problems in the mechanical subsystem.

090x09Power-On Hours (POH)Count of hours in power-on state. The raw value of this attribute shows total count of hours (or minutes, or seconds, depending on manufacturer) in power-on state.

100x0ASpin Retry CountCount of retry of spin start attempts. This attribute stores a total count of the spin start attempts to reach the fully operational speed (under the condition that the first attempt was unsuccessful). An increase of this attribute value is a sign of problems in the hard disk mechanical subsystem.

110x0BRecalibration Retries orCalibration Retry CountThis attribute indicates the count that recalibration was requested (under the condition that the first attempt was unsuccessful). An increase of this attribute value is a sign of problems in the hard disk mechanical subsystem.

120x0CPower Cycle CountThis attribute indicates the count of full hard disk power on/off cycles.

130x0DSoft Read Error RateUncorrected read errors reported to the operating system.

1800xB4Unused Reserved Block Count TotalPre-Fail Attribute used at least in HP devices.

1830xB7SATA Downshift Error CountWestern Digital and Samsung attribute.

1840xb8End-to-End error / IOEDC This attribute is a part of Hewlett-Packard's SMART IV technology, as well as part of other vendors' IO Error Detection and Correction schemas, and it contains a count of parity errors which occur in the data path to the media via the drive's cache RAM.

1850xB9Head StabilityWestern Digital attribute.

1860xBAInduced Op-Vibration DetectionWestern Digital attribute.

1870xBBReported Uncorrectable ErrorsThe count of errors that could not be recovered using hardware ECC .

1880xBCCommand TimeoutThe count of aborted operations due to HDD timeout. Normally this attribute value should be equal to zero and if the value is far above zero, then most likely there will be some serious problems with power supply or an oxidized data cable.

1890xBDHigh Fly WritesHDD producers implement a Fly Height Monitor that attempts to provide additional protections for write operations by detecting when a recording head is flying outside its normal operating range. If an unsafe fly height condition is encountered, the write process is stopped, and the information is rewritten or reallocated to a safe region of the hard drive. This attribute indicates the count of these errors detected over the lifetime of the drive.

This feature is implemented in most modern Seagate drives and some of Western Digital’s drives, beginning with the WD Enterprise WDE18300 and WDE9180 Ultra2 SCSI hard drives, and will be included on all future WD Enterprise products.

1900xBEAirflow Temperature (WDC) resp.Airflow Temperature Celsius (HP)Airflow temperature on Western Digital HDs (Same as temp. [C2], but current value is 50 less for some models. Marked as obsolete.)

1910xBFG-sense Error RateThe count of errors resulting from externally-induced shock vibration.

1920xC0Power-off Retract Countor Emergency Retract Cycle Count(Fujitsu)Count of times the heads are loaded off the media. Heads can be unloaded without actually powering off.

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