;This file is part of the C51 Compiler package
;Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc.
;STARTUP.A51:This code is executed after processor reset.
;To translate this file use A51 with the following invocation:
;To link the modified STARTUP.OBJ file to your application use the following
;BL51 invocation:
;User-defined Power-On Initialization of Memory---初始化RAM单元
;With the following EQU statements the initialization of memory
;at processor reset can be defined:
; the absolute start-address of IDATA memory is always 0
IDATALENEQU80H; the length of IDATA memory in bytes.--根据你选用的芯片可以适
XDATASTARTEQU0H; the absolute start-address of XDATA memory--以下
XDATALENEQU0H; the length of XDATA memory in bytes.
PDATASTARTEQU0H; the absolute start-address of PDATA memory
PDATALENEQU0H; the length of PDATA memory in bytes.
;Notes:The IDATA space overlaps physically the DATA and BIT areas of the
;8051 CPU. At minimum the memory space occupied from the C51
;run-time routines must be set to zero.
;Reentrant Stack Initilization--注意堆栈的方向:别的芯片自带的堆栈的生长方
;The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant
;functions and initialized it:
;Keil C默认情况不是用堆栈来传递参数的,所以造成函数不可重入,Keil要求用户显示声
;Stack Space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model.
IBPSTACKEQU0; set to 1 if small reentrant is used.
IBPSTACKTOPEQU0FFH+1; set top of stack to highest location+1.
;Stack Space for reentrant functions in the LARGE model.
XBPSTACKEQU0; set to 1 if large reentrant is used.
XBPSTACKTOPEQU0FFFFH+1; set top of stack to highest location+1.
;Stack Space for reentrant functions in the COMPACT model.
PBPSTACKEQU0; set to 1 if compact reentrant is used.
PBPSTACKTOPEQU0FFFFH+1; set top of stack to highest location+1.
;Page Definition for Using the Compact Model with 64 KByte xdata RAM
;The following EQU statements define the xdata page used for pdata
;variables. The EQU PPAGE must conform with the PPAGE control used
;in the linker invocation.
PPAGEENABLEEQU0; set to 1 if pdata object are used.
PPAGEEQU0; define PPAGE number.
PPAGE_SFRDATA0A0H; SFR that supplies uppermost address byte
;(most 8051 variants use P2 as uppermost address byte)很多的外部页面寻址以P2