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时间:12-13 来源:互联网 点击:


克风、喇叭、UVC Camera等设备。实时传输只需令牌与数据两个信息包阶段,没有握手包,故数据传错时不会重传。

Isochronous data is continuous and real-time in creation, delivery, and consumption. Timing-relatedinformation is implied by the steady rate at which isochronous data is received and transferred. Isochronousdata must be delivered at the rate received to maintain its timing. In addition to delivery rate, isochronousdata may also be sensitive to delivery delays. For isochronous pipes, the bandwidth required is typicallybased upon the sampling characteristics of the associated function. The latency required is related to thebuffering available at each endpoint.

A typical example of isochronous data is voice. If the delivery rate of these data streams is not maintained,drop-outs in the data stream will occur due to buffer or frame underruns or overruns. Even if data isdelivered at the appropriate rate by USB hardware, delivery delays introduced by software may degrade applications requiring real-time turn-around, such as telephony-based audio conferencing.

The timely delivery of isochronous data is ensured at the expense of potential transient losses in the data stream. In other words, any error in electrical transmission is not corrected by hardware mechanisms such as retries. In practice, the core bit error rate of the USB is expected to be small enough not to be an issue. USB isochronous data streams are allocated a dedicated portion of USB bandwidth to ensure that data can be delivered at the desired rate. The USB is also designed for minimal delay of isochronous data transfers.

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