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Transimpedance strikes again: Current-to-voltage conversion with MDACs

Current-to-voltage conversion seems easy to implement with a DAC, amplifier, and resistor. But beware of stability issues.

By Bonnie Baker -- EDN, 7/5/2007

Multiplying DACs (MDACs) and their postamplifiers bridge the digital and analog worlds. MDACs generate a current proportional to an input digital code (Figure 1). The postamplifier converts the DAC’s current-output signal to a voltage level. A simple current-to-voltage conversion seems easy to implement with a DAC, amplifier, and resistor. However, this circuit presents stability issues.

For the application, the output model of the MDAC contains a variable current source, resistor, and capacitor (Figure 1a). The value of the output resistance and capacitance depends on the input code to the DAC. In general, programming the MDAC to zero scale causes the output resistance, RD, to be near infinite. When you program the DAC to full-scale or all ones, this resistance is equal to the feedback resistance, RF. (See the manufacturer’s data sheets.) The DAC’s output capacitance, CD, also varies with input code according to the number of internal gate-source junctions across the MDAC output. At full-scale, the MDAC output capacitance equals the data-sheet specification. At zero, the MDAC output capacitance is equal to about half the full-scale value. For stability calculations, use the full-scale output values of RD and CD.

The second subnetwork is the amplifier-feedback network. To maintain precision, most MDACs have a feedback resistor on-chip. The feedback capacitor, CF, is discrete.

Finally, op amps have a range of specifications, but only a few affect the MDAC circuit’s stability: unity-gain bandwidth, fU; input differential capacitance, CDIF; and common-mode capacitance, CCM.

In this system, total capacitance at the amplifier input is equal to CIN=CD+CDIF+CCM. In Figure 1b and Figure 1c, the closed-loop zero is equal to f1=1/(2π(CIN+CF)(RD||RF)). The closed-loop pole is equal to f2=1/(2πCFRF).

You ensure system stability if the

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