首页 > 硬件设计 > 电源设计 > Power Supply Leakage Current Testing to IEC60990 基于 IEC60990 - 电源的漏电流测试

Power Supply Leakage Current Testing to IEC60990 基于 IEC60990 - 电源的漏电流测试

时间:12-09 来源:互联网 点击:

A customer recently

asked me why we specify leakage current on a Class II power supply, when a

Class II power supply has no ground terminal.

A good question, but first some background.


As part of the

testing for IEC60950, power supply manufacturers measure leakage current

to the IEC60990 standard.

作为 IEC60950 测试的一部分,电源的制造商要根据 IEC60990 标准来测试漏电流。

To be more accurate,

the terms “Touch Current” and “Protective Conductor Current” replace the term

“Leakage Current”.



Conductor Current (PCC)

保护导体电流 (PCC)

Is the current that

flows through the protective conductor; commonly referred to as the ground



AC Supply 交流电

Protective Conductor Current 保护导体电流

Power Supply 电源

Enclosure 外壳

As a note, the

withstand voltage and insulation resistance tests measure the current flowing

through the insulation of the unit under test.


Touch Current (TC)

接触电流 (TC)

Is the current that

flows when a human body touches the equipment, simulated by a body impedance



AC Supply 交流电

Isolation Transformer 绝缘变压器

Switches 开关

Power Supply 电源

Enclosure 外壳

Accessible Conductive Part 可触及导电部分

Touch Current 接触电流

Body Impedance Network 人体阻抗网络

The switches are used

to simulate a line, neutral or ground fault, referred to as a single fault

condition (S.F.C.). Usually there is a

polarity reversal switch to reverse the line and neutral connections to the

power supply.

开关用于模拟火线,零线或接地线故障,称为单一故障条件 (S.F.C.)。通常,使用极性反转开关来改变电源上的火线和零线连接。

So back to theoriginal customer question, if a Class II power supply is used, there will be

current that flows through a human body upon touching conductive parts in a

system (like a USB port or a conductive product case). That measured current is usually listed on

the power supply datasheet.

回到客户的问题,如果使用II类电源,在接触系统的导电部分时(例如 USB 端口或产品的导电外壳),电流将流过人体。所测得的电流一般列在电源数据表中。

Here is an excerpt

from a CB report showing the test, input voltage, frequency and the measured

touch current. Note half the tests

conducted were with the simulated human body touching the “output connector” or

pins of the power supply.

这是从CB 测试报告里摘录,输入电压、频率,以及测得的接触电流。请注意,所执行的一半测试使用了模拟的人体来接触“输出连接器”或电源的引脚。

Enclosure leakage current (normal conditions,

normal polarity)


Enclosure leakage current (normal conditions,

reverse polarity)


Enclosure leakage current measured on output

connector (normal conditions, normal polarity)


Enclosure leakage current measured on

output connector (normal conditions, reverse polarity)


Enclosure leakage current (single fault

conditions, neutral open, normal polarity)


Enclosure leakage current (SFC, neutral

open, reverse polarity)


Enclosure leakage current measured on

output connector (SFC, neutral open, normal polarity)


Enclosure leakage current measured on

output connector (SFC, neutra

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