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时间:02-16 来源:互联网 点击:

IPVERIP version number; IPv4 IPVER = 4
IHLLength in 32-bit words of the IP Header, IHL = 5
IP TOSIP type of service
Total lengthLength in octets of IP Header and data
IdentificationIP fragmentation identification
FlagsIP control flags; must be set to 010 to avoid fragmentation
Fragment offsetIndicates where in the datagram the fragment belongs; not used for TDMoP
Time to liveIP time-to-live field; datagrams with zero in this field are discarded
ProtocolMust be set to 0x11 to signify UDP
IP Header checksumChecksum for the IP Header
Source IP addressIP address of the source
Destination IP addressIP address of the destination

表3. UDP报头结构

Source port number, destination port numberEither the source or the destination port number holds the bundle identifier. The unused field can be set to 0x85E (2142), which is the user's port number assigned to TDMoP by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). For UDP/IP-specific OAM packets, the bundle identifier is all 1s.
UDP lengthLength in octets of UDP Header and data
UDP checksumChecksum of UDP/IP Header and data. If not computed, it must be set to zero.

根据IANA规定,UDP报头的目标端口应设定为0x85E (2142),这是分配给TDMoP的用户端口号。Maxim TDMoP器件默认遵循该规范。


  1. 在预配置菜单中,将全部绑定标识号赋予相应的位置。
  2. 向绑定引擎表明绑定标识号在接收数据包中的位置。

  • RTP报头互操作性


    VRTP version; must be set to 2.
    PPadding bit; must be set to 0.
    XExtension bit; must be set to 0.
    CCCSRC count; must be set to 0.
    MMarker bit; must be set to 0.
    PTPayload type. One PT value MUST be allocated from the range of dynamic values for each direction of the bundle. The same PT value MAY be reused for both directions of the bundle, and is also reused between different bundles.
    SNThe sequence number identical to the sequence number in the control word.
    TSTimestamp. The RTP Header can be used in conjunction with the following modes of timestamp generation:
    Absolute mode: the chip sets timestamps using the clock recovered from the incoming TDM circuit.
    Differential (common clock) mode: The two chips at bundle edges have access to the same high-quality clock source, and this clock source is used for timestamp generation.
    SSRCIdentifies the synchronization source. This identifier should be chosen randomly, with the intent that no two synchronization sources within the same RTP session will have the same SSRC identifier.



      1. 向绑定引擎表明绑定标识号在接收数据包中的位置。参考上文中的图4,选项1,Bundle Configuration Decides (BCDR4),将在目标端口号或源端口号位置分配一个绑定标识号,取决于图5中所示的绑定配置。
        图5. DS34S132的绑定配置菜单。


        如果用户知道数据包的绑定标识号位于UDP目标端口号位置,那么则很容易通过将选项45, RX Bundle Number Location at UDP port,修改为Destination进行表示,如图6所示。
        图6. DS34S132的绑定配置菜单的选项45。

      图7. RTP报头

      表4. RTP报头结构
      为了在绝对时钟恢复模式下产生时钟,端口接收配置寄存器4 (PRCR4)中的RTP发生器时标模式选择(TSGMS)位需设定为1,即PRCR4.TSGMS = 1。为了在差分时钟恢复模式产生时钟,PRCR4寄存器中的TSGMS位需设定为0,即PRCR4.TSGMS = 0。用户无需手动设置这些寄存器位。在绑定配置中将RTP使能时,这些位被设置。

      自适应模式下, Maxim的DS34S132 TDMoP器件中的时钟恢复算法根据数据包之间到达延迟恢复时钟。因此,自适应时钟恢复模式下,使能RTP是可选的。然而,差分模式下, Maxim的DS34S132 TDMoP器件中的时钟恢复算法通过分析RTP报头中的时标恢复时钟。所以,差分时钟恢复模式下,强制使能RTP。

      图8. 接口配置。

      现在,如果用户希望更改时钟恢复模式,那么就需要使用选项40,Adaptive or Differential mode,如图9所示。
      图9. 在接口配置中选择差分时钟恢复模式。

      与Maxim的TDMoP器件不同,有些TDMoP厂商在自适应或差分时钟恢复模式下根据RTP报头中的时标恢复时钟。因此,为了实现与这些厂商系统的互操作, Maxim TDMoP器件在自适应时钟恢复模式下使能RTP。DS34S132,以及其它TDMoP厂商的器件,能够以三种方式在RTP报头中产生时标:

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