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时间:03-19 来源:互联网 点击:



表5. 应用ROM闪存例程

Routine NumberRoutine NameEntry Point
ROMTable = ROM[800Dh]
Entry Point
Physical Address
2flashEraseSectorROM[ROMTable + 1]0x8XXX
3flashEraseAllROM[ROMTable + 2]0x8XXX
15flashWriteROM[ROMTable + 14]0x8XXX

Routineu16 flashWrite(u16 *pAddress, u16 iData)
SummaryPrograms a single word of flash memory.
InputsA[0] - Word address in flash memory to which to write.
A[1] - Word value to write to flash memory.
OutputsCarry: Set on error and cleared on success. If set, then A[0] contains one of the following error codes:
1 : failure due to software timeout
2 : failure reported by hardware (DQ5/FERR)< BR>4 : command not supportedSW_FERR - Set on error, cleared on success.
NotesThe watchdog must not be active, or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset.

; This routine is callable by C code using the following prototype; u16 flashWrite(u16 *pAddress, u16 iData);;flashWrite:move APC, #0           ; No auto inc/dec of accumulator.move AP,  #2           ; Set ACC to A[2]move DP[0], #0800Dh    ; This is where the address of the table is stored.move ACC, @DP[0]       ; Get the location of the routine table.add  #14               ; Add the index to the flashWrite routine.move DP[0], ACCmove ACC, @DP[0]       ; Retrieve the address of the routine.call ACC               ; Execute the routine.ret                    ; Status returned in A[0]
Routineu16 flashEraseSector(void *pAddress)
SummaryErases a single sector of flash memory
InputsA[0] - Address located in the sector to erase.
OutputsCarry: Set on error and cleared on success. If set, then A[0] contains one of the following error codes:
1 : failure due to software timeout
2 : failure reported by hardware (DQ5/FERR)
4 : command not supported
SW_FERR - Set on error, cleared on success.
NotesThe watchdog must not be active, or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset.

; This routine is callable by C code using the following prototype; u16 flashEraseSector(void *pAddress);;flashEraseSector:move APC, #0           ; No auto inc/dec of accumulator.move AP,  #1           ; Set ACC to A[1]move DP[0], #0800Dh    ; This is where the address of the table is stored.move ACC, @DP[0]       ; Get the location of the routine table.add  #1                ; Add the index to the flashEraseSector routine.move DP[0], ACCmove ACC, @DP[0]       ; Retrieve the address of the routine.call ACC               ; Execute the routine.ret                    ; Status returned in A[0]
Routinevoid flashEraseAll(void)
SummaryErases the entire program and data flash memory, including the boot loader sector. This routine is not normally used for IAP, as great care must be taken to ensure that the erase/programming sequence is not interrupted.
OutputsCarry: Set on error and cleared on success.SW_FERR: Set on error, cleared on success.
NotesThe watchdog must not be active, or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset.

; This routine is callable by C code using the following prototype; void flashEraseAll(void);;flashEraseAll:move APC, #0           ; No auto inc/dec of accumulator.move AP,  #0           ; Set ACC to A[0]move DP[0], #0800Dh    ; This is where the address of the table is stored.move ACC, @DP[0]       ; Get the location of the routine table.add  #2                ; Add the index to the flashEraseAll routine.move DP[0], ACCmove ACC, @DP[0]       ; Retrieve the address of the routine.call ACC               ; Execute the routine.ret



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