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The IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) is a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.'s (IEEE) Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, a professional organization that promotes the development and application of microwave technology. Featured papers in the recent issue report on latest experiments concerning the FDTD modeling of a Sigma-60 deep hyperthermia applicator, the generation and transmission of optical microwave in the 12- and 60-GHz region, the design of multihole directional couplers, and the use of FDTD in the analysis of magnetoplasma channel waveguides. The publication's webpage provides a preview of papers published in the most recent issue of MTT, including those of other IEEE transactions, journals and letters. An online application form is also available for those who want to join the IEEE. In addition, the site includes a listing of other IEEE technical societies.

IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters


The IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters (MGWL) is a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.'s (IEEE) Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, a professional organization that promotes the development and application of microwave technology. The publication deals with such topics as frequency detectors, antenna array systems, coplanar waveguides, scanning techniques, attenuators, transient compression, nonlinear transmission lines, and slot antennas. The publication's WWW site presents the table of contents of the most recent issue of MGWL, including those of other IEEE transactions, journals and letters. Those interested in joining the IEEE may also send their application via an online membership form. In addition, there are links to the homepages of other IEEE technical societies.

IET Electronics Letters

IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
(IEE proceedings Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation)

Journal of Electromagnetic Wave Applications

PIER(Progress In Electromagnetic Research)

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