Wich mass-production SMD transistors can be used to build K-band LNA and oscillator?
I just checked, ATF-36163 can oscillate above 23GHz in parallel feedback scheme, but output is weak, and worked only on one of two PCBs (maybe biasing problem). NE3512S02 works on both boards, signal is strong. Can't measure dBm level, only TX-RX guess of more than 6dBm maybe 10dBm improvement. It looks that it can be used maybe up to 30GHz in some amplifiers and almost to 30GHz oscillators. I do not have NE3210S01, but it seems that it must outperform ATF-36163 above 23GHz, but unable go as high as 30GHz. Maybe using DRO can improve results of ATF-36163. If somebody did know some good FETs to use beyond datasheet limits, will be happy to hear new information.
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