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Difference between burst and stream?

时间:04-06 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all,

Please explain the difference between a burst and a stream. I have basic information as name implies itself. But please explain it in detail.


As I know, Burst mode is a special mode of bus to transfer data faster than normal mode. Normally, there is no way to transfer data by each clock. If it is possible then actual bandwidth=data_bus width*clock.
Bus has its own overloads, for example it sends control commands to have control over the bus or it needs some initialization cycle or there are some wait sates. It means, data will not be transferred at these times.

Burst mode helps to transfer a set of data as fast as possible in certain time. When bus controller is switched to burst mode then data will be latched by each clock. In fact, in the burst mode actual bandwidth=data_width*clock

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