how to determine the polarization of an antenna by simulation
how to determine the polarization of an antenna by simulation?
I'm so confused
i would start by simulating two known designs. classical patch antenna and circular polarized 4 elements patch antenna. Do simulation, see fields and exitation in 2d and 3d, then try to find out how they differ, compare it to theoretical difficult to understand things then know the truth about how to do it in reality
10 x Terminator3 for your answer,
I've done this before, to make difference between circular and linear polarization we can use the Axial Ratio, ARCP-> 1 means a good circular polarization and vice versa but the problem is that sometimes I can't explain and understand the curve of the axial ratio sometimes I think that I have 3 types of polarization in the same curve hhh
polarization determine simulation 相关文章: