antenna model in matlab
U have equations for E and H fields for ur antenna model, Use Poynting theorem to calculate power over all angles and plot them..!
as i am not much good in antenna theory,
can you give me reference of the exact equations
i have a 2x2 array of yagi udda antennas
Go through the Book of Antenna theory by Balanis, U'L have to read the yagi antenna from broad band antennas chapter and Antenna arrays topic for ur full setup..!
i have the book you suggested
can you tell me the exact equation number to model it
U have Equation for vector potential A in that chapter, for calculating the Rest of the fields u can refer to the far field radiation topic of the same book in chapter 3, U can find the Electric field thru A and den H from E, Use poynting vector to find power and u can plot them.. Try getting hold of any masters thesis on antenna modelling, It should give u good directions with the steps to be more clear..!
thanks alot