Re: Microstrip Balun Design using ADS
That is not specified. I just have to design it around the centre frequency which is 2.14 GHz.
I made a draft phase shifter, it's a narrow band, and its S21 is a little big, and S11&S22 is not so good, but anyway, the phase shift is OK, I guess.
Just for your ref.
i am designing a 4 way wilkinson power divider but i am not getting the desired results.
I have to implement it wideband i.e 5GHz-15GHz.
After division into 4 parts, the S parameters have variations from the desired value and there is a difference between S21, S31, S41, S51.
Please help me out.
Each wilkinson network has N=3 and i have accomodated 3 such two way wilkinson dividers.
That bandwidth is too wide, you need to check the AWR examples about power divider, it is for 2-18GHz.