Programmable Gain Rf Amplifier
The programmation of Power Amplifiers are generally done by using an Input Attenuator.
Since playing operating current or voltage around active circuit will create nonlinear distortions, using step attenuator (voltage controlled or digital) at its input is technically good solution.
Unfornately, the power supply needs +5V.
the following is an example of what i need.but it works only for 5V.i need an IC with working voltage 3.3V.
often you don't get exactly what you want.. there is always a trade off ... why can't u go for 5V or perhaps if you are restricted with 3.3V input.. why not to use a 3.3V to 5V voltage regulator
trying to work with 3.3V components or else will go with 5V.
Gain Programmable Amplifier 相关文章: