what is the maximum power the microstrip antenna can transmi
what is the maximum power the microstrip antenna can transmit?
How long is a peice of string? We need more information........ Frequency, size of microstrip to be used......... dialectric Etc, Etc, Etc............
see ch. 7 on T.C.Edwards, "Foundations for Microstrip
Circuit Design". Essentially exist two conditions under
consideration: CW or pulse operations. Or see K.Gupta,
et al. "Microstrip Lines and Slotlines", pp. 71- 85. or see
Bahl, I.J. et al "Average Power Handling Capability of
Microstrip Lines", IEE Jour. on Microwaves, Optics and
Acustics, Jan. 1979
Can anyone help me to find this book, im desprately looking for it...
Foundations of Microstrip Circuit Design by Terry Edward - 2e - Wiely
power maximum microstrip 相关文章: