Looking for a cheap low SNR A/V encoder/modulator demodulator/decoder
Hello everyone,
looking for a cheap OEM module like the consumer dvb-t modulators used to inject an analog a/v into the home TV plant.
These systems would be nice and can be received with a consumer receiver, however it would be very nice doing it in QPSK so a lower snr would be required to receive it.
Do you know anything like this which comes out cheap ? Consider it is an amateur project so messy things are allowed, no need to put it in production.
Best regards,
looking for a cheap OEM module like the consumer dvb-t modulators used to inject an analog a/v into the home TV plant.
These systems would be nice and can be received with a consumer receiver, however it would be very nice doing it in QPSK so a lower snr would be required to receive it.
Do you know anything like this which comes out cheap ? Consider it is an amateur project so messy things are allowed, no need to put it in production.
Best regards,
Possibly https://batc.org.uk/shop/hardware-and-kits but it uses DVB-S rather than DVB-T.
or http://g8ytz.com/ which does DVB-S and DVB-T.
A good resource for information is www.batc.org.uk