Help need for achieveing two port calibration of N5230A,PNA-L AgilentNETWORK ANALYZER
We have N5230A, 10MHz- 20GHz , PNA-L Network Analyzer. I don't know , how to do the two port calibration of above said network analyzer. If anybody knows about video lecturing or PDF help document or know yourself , how to do the two port calibration. Can you help me to achieve two port calibration.
here is basics from R&S:
Dear Sir,
Our is Agilent N5230A, PNA-L Network Analyzer, can you show the details about the Agilent PNA-L Network Analyzer two port calibration.
Have a bit hard to understand reason for the question.
If you know basic instrument setup and single port calibration, is two port calibration a relative small step?
This is anyway a good start:
E Kafeman Sir,
Since we have designed two port microwave filter, if want to measure the S -parameter. Before measuring, we must do the two port calibration.
You know how to do single port calibration?
E Kafeman Sir,
Since I didn't design any one port design, though I am beginner to this instrument. I don't know even single port calibration also.
2 port calibration with SOLT is not complicated to perform, check this video:
It is not an Agilent but method is exactly the same as for an Agilent PNA.
E Kafeman Sir,
Thank you for your priceless help. 26/05/2014, we will try to calibrate two port calibration and if I have any difficulty, I will post problems.