Gain enhancement of Shorted Patch antenna
I am working on Shorted patch antennas. I am having problem with increasing gain of shorted patch antenna. Can anyone suggest me techniques to increase gain as well as efficiency of shorted patch antenna? Thank you
Patch antennas are not famous for a reasonable gain but small size. Reducing their size reduces more their gain and efficiency.
For a reasonable gain turn to larger antennas, add reflectors or directors, etc.
Thankyou for the reply. I am designing a very small antenna for 2.4GHz resonant frequency and with high gain and bandwidth requirement. Space available for the antenna is less than 25mm.. Can you suggest me some alternatives as shorted patch antenna won't give me high gain..
Sounds like the magic solution everyone would like to have ... Are you sure this is possible?
Making antennas smaller will reduce the gain.
Well may be it is difficult for shorted patch antenna to get a gain of 7-8dB.. Can you suggest me some techniques to reduce the size without reducing gain?
It is not possible, there are no such tricks.
You can only reduce the size by using a substrate with high permittivity.
An electrical small antenna over a sufficient large ground plane can theoretically achieve a gain of 4.8 dB, presumed it has no losses (perfect impedance matching, no internal loss). If the antenna radiates into both half spaces, the gain reduces to 1.8 dB.
you can consider changing your dielectric substrate to suit your needs
,, antenna Cobra...
Like volker said, it's simply not possible
Is it possible to use Cavity-backed technique to prevent back loop radiation and hence increase the antenna gain ?