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antenna for specific signal

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

I would like to trigger an operation on my controller but only after receiving a very specific signal from other end, my question is: is it possible to design an antenna that only receives a specific signal?

I don't want to use the ADC on the controller, so I want it to be analog detection.

tuned antenna> tuned filter>pre-amp> peak detect >logic level,
... preamp> LO mix> IF filter> IF Aamp> RSSI detect>logic level.

Define f, Input/Output Thresholds, Ambient Noise & adjacent channel rejection criteria, hysteresis level from noise and latency for trigger and re-trigger and pulse stretch.

Then you can start...

What is specific about that signal?

You can design an antenna with filter + signal detection that is selective for a certain frequency.
If your signal shares the frequency range with other services (e.g. 2.4GHz range used by WLAN, Bluetooth and all sorts of license-free ISM devices) than it becomes more complicated.

The antenna is only part of a remote control receiver, there are also RF front end, possible IF signal processing, demodulator, a command decoder. Selectivity is mostly achieived by using unique codes, also RF frequency selection. The antenna is contributing to the frequency selection but usually with a lesser extent.

上一篇:Computer Hardware for CST

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