What is the threshhlod voltage of HSMS-2829?
I want to use HSMS-2829 as a mixer, so I wonder what is the threshhold voltage to open the it?
My LO signal is a 10MHz, so what Vpp of LO I need to make it run?
My RF signal is about -50dBm, so I guess if LO is 0dBm, the mixer can't work.
I want to use HSMS-2829 as a mixer, so I wonder what is the threshhold voltage to open the it?
My LO signal is a 10MHz, so what Vpp of LO I need to make it run?
My RF signal is about -50dBm, so I guess if LO is 0dBm, the mixer can't work.
To get minimum conversion loss you need about +7dBm from the LO, but at 10MHz you might need even more power from the LO, up to +12dBm.
Several years ago, I measured mixer with different LO powers.
For +7dBm mixer, it can work even with 0dBm LO power.
Can I say, with +7dBm LO power, it can work full time, but with 0dBm, it can only work as part time?
So part time lead to less mixer effieciency?
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