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What is frame size of gps data coming from satellites.

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need store the GPS data which is coming from satellites into memory.For that i required to calculate memory.Can anyone tell me what is the size of one GPS data frame which is coming from satellites.

if i want to store it 3 times how much memory i required?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global...Message_format ?

1) Does it mean for each message i get 4.58KB data?
2) Should i wait 750 Seconds to know location and time?

I need location and time for my requirement for that i give AT command to GPS module ATSGPSACP:<UTC>,<latitude>,<longitude>,<hdop>,<alt itude>,<fix>,<cog>,<spkm>,<spkn>,<date>,<nsat>

what is the frame size(memory) of above AT command?

The answer Planar gave seems to target the listening directly to a satellite - are you building your own GPS receiver or are you talking to an existing commercial GPS receiver?
I suspect the latter since you are using AT commands.

What device are you using? There should be an AT command set reference from the manufacturer that describes the messages. Better to go there than to wait around these boards for someone to answer you.

Folks often put the GPS into a kind of "beaconing" mode, in which the GPS receiver spits out a message (or series of messages) every second. A few dozen to a hundred bytes or so. Within the messages should be all that you seek, including a sort of "quality" measurement for the location. A semi-decent modern GPS with a decent view to the sky should have a high quality measurement within a few seconds.

I am using GPS module.

上一篇:Some questions about HFSS

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