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HFSS antenna imput impedance

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need simulate an antenna in HFSS for RFID. The internal impedance of IC at 915MHz is 12.8-j248 (NXP UCODE7). This is a serie impedance.

To simulate this impedance I use a Lumped port with equivalent parallel resistance Rp ~ 4.837K and a capacitance of 0.7pF in parallel using a lumped RLC. Both in parallel connected to a dipole input.

Antenna needs be 12.8+j248 impedance for perfect match.

My question:

When I measure Z11 in HFSS, the real and imaginary part showed is parallel or serie modeled?

My doubt is because real part depends of the configuration.

If there's only one port, then Z11 is the input impedance of your entire network, as seen from that port.

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