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Query related to RF Module

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello sir
I am working on one of the RF based project in which I have to connect number of RF Rceciver modules to the Single RF Transmitter Module so my question is that is possible or not. and how many Receivers can be connected to a single RF Transmitter module. If it is not possible then why not.
I am Using 433 MHz RF Module.

If by connect to a transmitter you mean receive a signal from a transmitter then you can have almost any number of receivers receiving signals from the same transmitter. As to how many,that depennds on the transmitter power and range. Consider a broadcast transmitter, the number of receivers 'connected' can be many millions.
If you are sending a specific message to each receiver then the number will be limited by the time it takes to send each message and the cycle time between messages.


compare a transmitter with a lamp. It sends out light.

The lamp has always same brightness, independent of how many people (recievers) are in the room.


Nice simple way of puting it. The number who can see it limited by the number of eyes you can cram around the lamp, or the lamp brightness and sensitvity of the eyes

Hi Sir,
Can you explain in more details how can i connect number of devices to a single transmitter with some examples.

Not sure if you have read the previous discussion thoroughly.

"Connecting" multiple receivers without transmitter capability to a transmitter means just to make them receive the same data. Like people receive radio broadcast. Optionally the transmitter might address individual receivers by using a message ID which has been defined previously. Each receiver has to know its ID and only hear to the specific information dedicated to it.

Similar to birthday greetings send by the radio.

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