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Why antenna efficiency in HFSS is a function of theta?

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have an antenna simulated in HFSS and its directivity and its Gain have different pattern shapes. - the antenna is not necessarily a good design and it is only a test structure, but I am puzzled why its directivity and its gain has different shapes. I know Gain= efficiency * Directivity. BUt is efficiency a fixed number? or does it depend of theta/phi? Also when I draw antenna efficiency in HFSS
@ [Results/create far fields report/Rectangular plot/antenna parameters/radiation efficiency]

It is based on theta. Why is efficiency based on theta?

I appreciate any comments/ opinion. Thanks.

What you are expecting that efficiency of antenna should be plotted against?
As in antenna we always prefer to be in spherical co ordinate systems so theta is the most suitable candidate for efficiency and directivity of antenna.
I am not all clear about your question of efficiency but what I gather that antennas are directional structures so do not you think that efficiency/ directivty must have something to do with orientation of antenna

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