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Active and Reactive Current amplitude

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello people,

Do you know where can I find the origin of these formulas ? I cannot understand how it is written?

It is a class E power amplifier

"initial phase shift ϕ for the fundamental-frequency component"

"The fundamental-frequency current i1(ωt) flowing through the switch consists of two quadrature components, active iR1 and reactive iX1, whose amplitudes can be found using Fourier formulas"

Do you know any books which explains this integral ?

This has been explained in "Switchmode RF Power Amplifiers-Andrei Grebennikov,Nathan O. Sokal" Page 233-240 Chapter6

I know I am reading this book. That is why I asked. It is written there. I need more basic explanation of this formula. It is just used there. My problem is the formula not what it is used for !

When you do circuit analysis of the current which you're interested in, you'll find 2 portion.Temporary Regime ( in terms of differential equations, private solution and homogen solution ) and Steady State Regime.The author applied first regime (temporary) onto Fourier integrals ( because there isn't steady state situation yet so no period ) and he found real and imaginary part of this current.

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