Help me for my NRF24L01 Problem !
one Arduino Mega 2560 + Ethernet shield + SD Card and NRF24L01 !
and some nodes up to 20 node. that contain Arduino Uno + NRF24L01 for create my project that server decide to each node have to start power on some device like LED ! and the nodes send some information for example temperature or humidity .
what I have to do ?
these are simple wireless chips, so you have to TELL them when to transmit and when to listen. In other words, you need some protocol, addressing, interrupt control, etc at each arm. If it is battery operated, you need to not transmit all that often to conserve battery life. but you are re-inventing the wheel. I am sure there are plenty of examples of such a protocol available online. Do some google fu
thanks a lot , I'm beginner in electronics so RF ! can you help me more than this .
if these chips are simple which kind of chips (RF or Wireless Module) you are recommend me ?
I'm google it a lot . I cant find a good solution and tutorial for my purpose ! I'm so Confused !
I have to use Big battery , but now battery is not important for me. I want to just implement this kind of star wireless full communication , is the NRF24L01 is good for me ? or I have to change my Radios ?
I appreciate you again . I need further clarification. which kind of protocol can I use ? can you linked me to that pages ?